Social Science


 Evolution of Humans and Society - Prehistoric Period

  •  To trace the world's early history
  •  To understand human evolution
  •  To know prehistoric Tamilagam up to the Iron Age

   Ancient Civilisations

  •  To learn about early societies and state formations
  •  To understand the development of civilisations
  •  To learn about the ancient Egyptian civilisation
  •  To study the main features of the Mesopotamian civilisations
  •  To know the Chinese civilisation
  •  To gain knowledge about the Indus civilisation

Early Tamil Society and Culture 

  •  Tamil literary, archaeological, epigraphic and non-Tamil text sources for the study of the early Tamil society
  •  Thinai-based life in the society
  •  Literature, polity, society, economy and urbanization during the period

Intellectual Awakening and Socio-Political Changes

  •  To understand the transition of society from 6th century  to 2nd century BC (BCE)
  •  To familiarise ourselves with the essence of new religious faiths: Buddhism, Jainism and Ajivika in India, Zoroastrianism in Persia, and Confucianism and Taoism in China
  •  To become aware of the circumstances that led to the formation of states with a focus on Magadha Empire
  •  To understand the socio-political changes of the pre-Mauryan and Mauryan states

  The Classical World

  •   To gain knowledge of the classical civilisation of Greece
  •  To know Athenian democracy and the age of Pericles
  •  To understand how a small town (Rome) emerged as a republic and later became an empire
  •  To learn the contribution of Rome to world civilization
  •  To aquire knowledge of classical China and its achievements
  •  To trace the origin of Christianity and its spread in Eastern Roman Empire

The Middle Ages

  •   To learn about the empires of China during the reign of Tang, Sung and Yuan dynasties
  •  To understand the evolution of Japanese society under the Fujiwara Family and Kamakura Shogunate
  •  To trace the background of the birth of Islam
  •  To acquire knowledge of Arab and Ottoman Empires and their contribution to the spread of Islamic culture
  •  To analyse the characteristics of Feudalism in the Middle Ages
  •  To understand the relationship between the State and the Church in the Middle Ages

 State and Society in Medieval India

  •  Successive dynasties and the resultant political outcomes from the times  of the Cholas to the Mughals
  •  Influence of Islam and Islamic state on the socio-cultural life of the people
  •  Institutional and administrative changes during Chola, Pandya and Vijayanagara periods in the south
  •  Development of literature, art and architecture
  •  Transformation in agriculture and manufacturing sector
  •  Progress in maritime trade, commerce and urbanization

  The Beginning of the Modern Age

  •  Cultural, religious and economic changes that shaped the modern world
  •  Humanism as an idea transforming the outlook of the people of the Middle Ages
  •  Protestant Reformation that emphasised more faith than rituals
  •  Discovery of America and new sea routes to the East leading to commercial revolution and establishment of colonies

   The Age of Revolutions

          I The American War of Independence

  • The foundation of colonies by European powers in America and the   later amalgamation and formation of 13 colonies under Britain 
  •  Factors leading to the conflict between the colonies and England
  •  The opposition of the colonies to ‘Taxation without Representation’ leading to American War of Independenc
  •   The course and outcome of the American War of Independence
  •  The American Revolution and the idea of democracy in the modern world

             II The French Revolution

  • The causes for the outbreak of French Revolution, political, social, economic and intellectual
  •  Circumstances leading to the convening of Estates General and the defiance of Third  Estate to the orders of the French Monarch Louis XVI
  •  The Tennis Court Oath and Fall of Bastille resulting in the overthrow of monarchy and establishment of National Assembly
  •  The National Assembly and the conspiracy of the dethroned king with other European  powers to crush the revolution, leading to invasion of France by Austria and Prussia
  •  Formation of revolutionary government of National Convention. Execution of Louis  XVI and proclamation of Republic in France.
  •  Abolition of feudalism, confiscation of church property, declaration of the rights of citizens and the introduction of a constitution
  •  Jacobins capturing power and the dictatorial functioning of Robespierre.
  •  The fall of Robespierre and the end of Revolution

 Industrial Revolution

  •  The essential features of Industrial Revolution in 18th century England
  •  Favourable Conditions prevailing in England for the Industrial Revolution
  •  Inventions that facilitated revolution in textile production
  •  Steel industry quickening the processes of industrialisation in England
  •  Rise of working class movement and its consequences in England
  •  Second Industrial Revolution in France, Germany and America
  •  Great Rail Road Strike and Hay Market Massacre in the US
  •  Impact of Industrial Revolution in India

Colonialism in Asia and Africa

  •  The territories forming South East Asia
  •  Establishment of colonies by the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch, the French, the British and the Americans
  •  Impact of colonisation on the Malaya Peninsula, Indonesia, Burma, Indo-China, Philippines
  •  Conquest of Africa, and the colonial regimes of the Dutch, the British, the Portuguese, the Germans, and the Belgians
  •  British colonisation of India and colonial control of Indian economy
  •  Economic impact of British rule in India


            Lithosphere – I Endogenetic Processes

  •  To know about the spheres of the Earth
  •  To illustrate the internal structure of the Earth
  •   To study the rock types and its cycle
  •   To explain the internal processes of the Earth
  •   To understand the processes of Earthquakes and volcanoes

              Lithosphere – II Exogenetic Processes

  • To comprehend the various external processes of the Earth
  • To study the different types of weathering and the resultant features
  •  To learn how the weathered materials are transported by  different agents.
  • To study about the features formed by erosion transportation and  deposition of natural agents


  •   To understand the composition and structure of atmosphere
  •  To differentiate weather and climate
  •  To correlate the factors influencing weather and climate
  •  To recognize the classification of Clouds, wind and rainfall


  •  To understand the importance of water
  •  To learn about the nature, uses and distribution of fresh and salt water
  •  To understand the relief features of the ocean floor
  •  To study about the movements of ocean water
  •  To learn about marine resources and the need for conservation


  •  To understand the scope and meaning of biosphere
  •  To understand the meaning of ecosystem, its components, functions and biodiversity
  •  To the major biomes of the world
  •  To know the need for the conservation of biomes

        Man and Environment

  •  To know the components of environment
  •  To understand the various features of human-environment interaction
  •  To know various settlement patterns
  •  To know the different economic activities of man
  •  To understand the environmental effects of human behaviour

          Mapping Skills 

  •  To introduce maps
  •  To read maps using its components
  •  To learn the methods of surveying and other techniques of acquiring  map data like aerial photography and satellite remote sensing
  •  To gain knowledge of the latest techniques of mapping, namely GIS and GNSS

       Disaster Management: Responding to Disasters

  •   To understand how to respond to disaster such as Tsunami, earthquake, riot and fire
  •  To describe the measures to manage riots disaster


           Forms of Government and Democracy 

  •   Know the forms of government
  •  Understand the meaning of democracy
  •  Know the merits and demerits of democracy
  •  Know the challenges to Indian democracy

           Election, Political Parties and Pressure Groups

  •  Know about the electoral system in India
  •  Know the different types of elections in India
  •  Understands the meaning of political party
  •  Know the functions of state party and national party
  •  Understand the pressure groups in India

              Human Rights

  •   To know about the international efforts for protecting human rights
  •  To understand the basic human rights ensured in the Indian Constitution
  •  To understand about the functions of institutions and issues involved in human rights
  •  To know about the types of human rights

             Forms of Government

  •  To know about the type of constitution
  •  To understand the forms of government
  •  To learn the merits and demerits of the diff erent forms of government
  •  To understand the diff erences between the Unitary and Federal, Presidential  and Parliamentary forms of governments

              Local Self Government

  •  To study and understand the development of local self government before and after Indian independence
  •  To learn about the rural and urban local governments
  •  To learn about the nature and working of Panchayat Raj system in India
  •  To understand the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts, 1992
  •  To know about the historical origin and development in local self governments  in Tamil Nadu

              Road Safety

  •  To understand the increase of road accidents in our country
  •  To know the causes of road accidents
  •  To follow the road safety rules


            Understanding Development: Perspectives,  Measurement and Sustainability 

  •  To know the meaning of development from different perspectives
  •  To know the indicators of economic development
  •  Understand the meaning of economic development
  •  To know the policies for sustainable development

             Employment in India and Tamil Nadu

  •  To know the employment structure in India
  •  Understand the organised and unorganised sector
  •  Understand the distinction between public sector and private sector
  •  Understand the changing employment pattern
  •  To appreciate the case study format

        Money and Credit

  • To know about the Barter system
  • To understand about money and various transaction of money
  • To know about the role of RBI
  • To understand about the various types of credits and benificiaries

      Agriculture in Tamil Nadu

  • To know about the agricultural activity in Tamil Nadu       
  • To know the extent of land under cultivation in Tamil Nadu     
  • To understand the importance of water and irrigation in agriculture
  • To know about various crops grown in Tamil Nadu
  • To analyse the crop productivity in Tamil Nadu                    


  • To understand the concept of migration
  • To learn about the extent of migration in India and Tamil Nadu
  • To analyse the factors underlying migration