

  • understand the fundamental and derived quantities and their units.
  •  know the rules to be followed while expressing physical quantities in SI units.
  •  get familiar with the usage of scientific notations.
  •  know the characteristics of measuring instruments.
  •  use vernier caliper and screw gauge for small measurements.
  •  find the weight of an object using a spring balance.
  •  know the importance of accurate measurements.


  • list the objects which are at rest and which are in motion.
  •  understand distance and displacement.
  •  determine the distance covered by an object describing a circular path.
  •  classify uniform motion and non-uniform motion.
  •  distinguish between speed and velocity.
  •  relate accelerated and unaccelerated motion.
  •  deduce the equations of motion of an object from velocity – time graph.
  •  write the equations of motion for a freely falling body.
  •  understand the nature of circular motion.
  •  identify centripetal force and centrifugal force in day to day life.


  • define pressure in terms of weight.
  •  explain the variation of pressure with respect to depth in a fluid.
  •  learn the fact that liquid exerts an upward force on objects immersed in it.
  •  calculate the density of a liquid when pressure and altitude are given.
  •  learn the formula for finding the relative density of an object and apply the same.
  •  understand the behaviour of floating bodies.

Electric charge and Electric current

  • understand the electric charge, electric field and Coulomb’s law.
  •  explain the concepts of electric current, voltage, resistance and Ohm’s law.
  •  draw electrical circuit diagrams for series and parallel circuits.
  •  explain the effects of electric current like. heating or thermal effect, chemical effect, and magnetic effect.
  •  understand direct and alternating currents.
  •  know the safety aspects related to electricity.

Magnetism and Electromagnetism

  •  understand the concept of magnetic field.
  •  know the properties of magnetic field lines.
  •  calculate the force exerted on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
  •  understand the force between two parallel current carrying conductors.
  •  know the concept of electromagnetic induction and apply it in the case of generators.
  •  appreciate how voltage can be increased or decreased using transformers.
  •  understand the applications of electromagnet and apply the knowledge in constructing devices using electromagnets.


  •   apply the laws of reflection for plane mirrors and spherical mirrors.
  •  draw ray diagrams to find the position and size of the image for spherical mirrors.
  •  distinguish between real and virtual images.
  •  apply the mirror equation to calculate position, size and nature of images for spherical mirrors.
  •  identify the direction of bending when light passes from one medium to another.
  •  solve problems using Snell’s law.
  •  predict whether light will be refracted or undergo total internal reflection.


  •   understand the nature and the effects of heat.
  •  differentiate the conducting powers of various substances.
  •  list out good and bad conductors of heat and their uses.
  •  explain conduction using kinetic theory.
  •  describe the experiments to show convection in fluids.
  •  understand the concept of radiation.
  •  define specific heat capacity and thermal capacity.
  •  describe the concept of change of state.
  •  define specific latent heat of fusion and specific latent heat of vaporisation.


  •   understand the properties of sound.
  •  know that sound requires a medium to travel.
  •  understand that sound waves are longitudinal in nature.
  •  explain the characteristics of sound.
  •  gain knowledge about reflection of sound.
  •  explain ultrasonic sound and understand the applications of ultrasonic sound.


  •   know the evolution of the universe.
  •  understand the building blocks of the universe.
  •  know more about solar system.
  •  know Kepler’s laws of motion.
  •  calculate the orbital velocity and the time-period of satellites.
  •  know about International Space Station.

 Matter Around Us

  •   classify substances as elements, compounds and mixtures based on their chemical composition.
  •  group mixtures as homogeneous and heterogeneous.
  •  identify suitable method to separate components of a mixture.
  •  classify solutions based on the size of the solute particles and compare the true solutions, colloids and suspensions based on their properties.
  •  differentiate colloids based on the nature of dispersed phase and dispersion medium.
  •  compare o/w and w/o emulsions.
  •  discuss some important examples and uses of colloids.

Atomic Structure

  •    understand Rutherford’s gold foil experiment.
  •  identify the limitations of Rutherford’s model.
  •  explain the main postulates of Bohr’s atomic model.
  •  compare the charge and mass of sub-atomic particles.
  •  calculate number of protons, neutrons and electrons from the given atomic number and mass number of an element.
  •  draw the atomic structure of first 20 elements.
  •  differentiate isotopes, isobars and isotones.
  •  assign valency of various elements based on the number of valence electrons.
  •  recognize the significance of quantum numbers.
  •  state and illustrate the laws of multiple proportion, reciprocal proportion and combining volumes.

Periodic Classification of Elements

  •   know the concept of classification of elements in early days.
  •  understand the postulates, advantages and limitations of modern periodic table.
  •  understand the classification of elements based on the electronic configuration.
  •  learn about the position of hydrogen in the periodic table.
  •  study about the position of rare gases (Noble gases) in the periodic table.
  •  distinguish between metals and non-metals.
  •  know about metalloids and alloys.

Chemical Bonding

  •   understand how molecules are formed and what is a chemical bond.
  •  explain Octet rule.
  •  draw Lewis dot structure of atoms.
  •  understand different types of bonds.
  •  differentiate the characteristics of ionic bond, covalent bond and coordinate bond.
  •  understand redox reactions.
  •  find out the oxidation number of different elements.

Acids, Bases and Salts

  •  know about formation, properties and uses of acids, bases and salts.
  •  know the importance of acids, bases and salts in daily life.
  •  understand how to identify the nature of a solution by using indicators and pH paper.
  •  know the strength of acid or base solutions.
  •  define pH scale and explain the significance of pH in everyday life.
  •  know aquaregia and its properties.

Carbon and its Compounds

  •   explain the special features of carbon.
  •  know about the isomerism and allotropic forms of carbon compounds.
  •  differentiate between the properties of graphite and diamond.
  •  recognise the various inorganic carbon compounds with their uses.
  •  know the common properties of carbon compounds.
  •  identify the codes of various plastics.
  •  understand the effects of plastics on human life and environment.
  •  know the legal measures to prevent plastic pollution.

Applied Chemistry

  •   understand the various branches of applied chemistry.
  •  know the technology of Nanochemistry.
  •  know the various types of drugs.
  •  understand the various uses of electrochemistry.
  •  understand the applications of radiochemistry.
  •  understand various types of dyes and their application.
  •  acquire knowledge about food chemistry and agricultural chemistry.
  •  understand some basic ideas about forensic chemistry.

Animal Kingdom

  •  understand the classification of animal kingdom.
  •  identify and study the different groups of animals.
  •  list out the general characteristics of animals based on grades of organization,  types of symmetry, coelom and various body activity.
  •  recognize that binomial classification has Latin and Greek words.
  •  identify the first name as genus and second name as species.
  •  recall the salient features of each phylum.

Organisation of Tissues

  •   know the different types of tissues and their morphology.
  •  identify how tissues are organized in specific patterns to form organs.
  •  understand how tissues perform life activities in plants and animals.
  •  gain knowledge about the structural organisation of tissues.
  •  get familiarized with the process, types and significance of cell division.

Plant Physiology

  •  know that plants too have certain autonomic movements.
  •  understand different types of movement in plants.
  •  differentiate tropic movement from nastic movement.
  •  gain knowledge on transpiration.
  •  understand that plants produce their food through the process of photosynthesis.
  •  understand the process of transpiration.

Organ Systems in Animals

  •   define the terms digestion, excretion and reproduction.
  •  understand the various parts of the alimentary canal and the process of digestion.
  •  understand the role of enzymes in the process of digestion.
  •  know the organs involved in the process of excretion.
  •  understand the role of skin in excretion.
  •  understand the parts and functions of excretory system.
  •  learn the functions of male and female human reproductive system.

  Nutrition and Health

  •  understand the classification of nutrients.
  •  list the sources, functions and deficiency disorders of vitamins and minerals.
  •  gain knowledge about different methods of food preservation.
  •  identify the adulterants in food.
  •  explain the role of different food quality certifying agents of our country.

World of Microbes

  •   identify different groups of bacteria based on their shape and structure.
  •  categorize types of viruses.
  •  know the role of microbes in agriculture, food industries and medicine.
  •  gain knowledge on modes of infection and disease transmission.
  •  describe the spectrum of diseases on the basis of the causative agents.
  •  know disease control and preventive measures.

Economic Biology

  •  know about horticulture and floriculture.
  •  classify biomanures and know their importance.
  •  differentiate between hydroponics, aquaponics and aeroponics.
  •  know the importance of dairy farming and cattle breeds.
  •  gain knowledge on the aspects of aquaculture and pisciculture.
  •  gain awareness on vermicomposting methods and the benefits of vermicompost.
  •  identify the commercial products obtained from apiculture.

Environmental Science

  •  relate different aspects of environmental science.
  •  describe biogeochemical cycles.
  •  analyse the impacts of human activities on water cycle, nitrogen cycle and carbon cycle.
  •  correlate the adaptations of plants with the habitat.
  •  explain the adaptations of bat and earthworm.
  •  explain recycling of water its methods and importance .
  •  discuss the importance of water conservation and water recycling methods.

Computer – LibreOffice Impress

  •  define presentation.
  •  create a new presentation.
  •  insert text box, images, audio and video files.
  •  insert and delete a slide.
  •  view a slide show.