Social Science

Advent of the Europeans

  • To know about the kinds of sources of modern India
  • To understand the Portuguese trade interests in India
  • To understand the impact of Portuguese and Dutch presence in India
  • To know the colonial settlements of Denmark
  • To know the arrival and settlement of English and French East India Companies

From Trade to Territory

  • To know the rise of the Political Power of English East India Company
  • To know the events and impact of Battle of Plassey and Buxar
  • To know the Carnatic wars and Mysore wars
  • To know the Anglo-Maratha wars
  • To understand the growth of colonial army and civilian administration
  • To understand the principles of Subsidiary Alliance and Doctrine of Lapse

Rural Life and Society

  • To know the land revenue policy under the British Rule
  • To understand the Merits and Demerits of the land revenue policy
  • To know the agrarian crisis and revolts

People’s Revolt

  • To know the Palayakkarar (Poligar) system in Tamil Nadu
  • To understand the role of PuliThevar and Kattabomman in the anti- British uprising
  • To know about the South Indian Rebellion
  • To know the causes and effects of Vellore Mutiny
  • To understand the causes and impacts of Revolt of 1857

Educational Development in India

  • Know the ancient system of education in India
  • Understand the development of education in medieval and modern India
  • Analyse the educational development during the British Rule
  • Discuss the importance of National Education Policy
  • Understand the educational development in Tamil Nadu

Development of Industries in India

  • Acquit with the traditional crafts of India.
  • Analyse the causes for the decline of Indian industries.
  • Understand the beginning of modern industries.
  • Know the aim of five-year plans.
  • Understand the phases of industrial development in India.

Urban changes during the British period

  • Understand the growth and development of towns in ancient and medieval - periods
  • Analyse the nature and feature of urbanization under the British period
  • Learn about the emergence of new urban centres such as Cantonments, hill stations and port cities
  • Trace the origin and growth of Madras (Chennai)

Status of Women in India through the ages

  • The position of women in the ancient society
  • Deterioration in the status of women in medieval period
  • The major social evils prevalent in the Indian society
  • The Role of Reformers in the social evils eradication
  • Women emancipation through education
  • Social Legislations and Empowerment

Rocks and Soils

  • To understand the nature of rocks, their types and uses.
  • To identify the different types of rocks.
  • To study about the nature of soil and its composition
  • To understand the importance of soil conservation

Weather and Climate

  • To understand the importance of weather and climate
  • To learn about the nature of the elements of weather and climate.
  • To know the instruments used for measuring weather elements
  • To be able to recognize the kind of weather and climate of a place

Hydrologic Cycle

  • To understand the status of water on the earth
  • To learn the basic concepts of Hydrologic cycle
  • To study the different components of hydrologic cycle

Migration and Urbanisation

  • To study the meaning, causes and consequences of migration
  • To know the types of migration
  • To describe the concept of Urbanisation
  • To learn the origin and growth of Urbanisation
  • To understand the problems of Urbanisation


  • To learn the meanings of hazard, disaster and catastrophe
  • To describe the major types of hazards, their causes and effects
  • To develop awareness regarding hazards and related prevention measures


  • To know about the nature and the importance of Industries
  • To understand the general classification of economic activities
  • To identify the factors responsible for location of Industries
  • To study about the classification of Industries

Exploring Continents Africa, Australia and Antarctica

  • To study the Geographical location of the continents of Africa, Australia and Antarctica
  • To learn the physical setting, climate and drainage of the continents
  • To understand the nature of the flora and fauna of the continents
  • To identify the major resources and economic activities
  • To develop the mapping skill

Map Reading

  • Compare maps and globes
  • Identify the components of maps
  • Know the methods of representation of scale
  • Describe how signs and symbols are used on maps
  • Understand different types of maps

How the State Government Works

  • The State executive.
  • Powers and functions of the Governor.
  • Powers and functions of the Chief Minister.
  • Legislative Assembly and Council.
  • State Judiciary.

Citizens and Citizenship

  • Meaning, definition of citizens and citizenship
  • The Constitutional Provisions of India
  • Acquisition and termination of Indian citizenship
  • Nature of overseas citizenship of India
  • Rights and responsibility of a citizen

Understanding Secularism

  • To understand the meaning of secularism
  • To know the importance of secularism
  • To develop the appreciation of the rights guaranteed in the Constitution
  • To analyse the importance of secular education
  • To discuss the constitutional provisions related to secularism

Human Rights and UNO

  • Understand what human rights are
  • Understand the relationship between rights and responsibilities
  • Know the importance of Human rights
  • Understand that human rights belong to everybody
  • Appreciate the meaning and signifi cance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948

Road Safety Rules and Regulations

  • Understand the importance of road safety.
  • Analyze the causes for the road accidents.
  • Recognize the safety measures to be followed while driving.
  • Develop skills to identify and respond to traffi c hazards.
  • Can move confi dently and safely on road.

Defence & Foreign Policy

  • The Indian Armed Forces
  • Paramilitary Defence Forces
  • Foreign Policy of India
  • India’s relation with neighbouring countries

The Judiciary

  • To trace the evolution of the Judicial system
  • To understand the hierarchical structure of the Indian judiciary
  • To explain the Jurisdiction of Supreme court, High Court and Subordinate Courts
  • To understand the need for the independent Judiciary
  • To know the differences between Civil Law and Criminal Law

Money, Savings and Investments

  • To know about the Evolution of Money
  • To know about the value, nature, function, and importance of money
  • To understand about Savings and Investments
  • To know about the black money

Public and Private Sectors

  • To know the history of public sector
  • To know the various indicators of Socio-Economic Development
  • To understand the importance of public sector
  • Appreciate the difference between public and private sectors
  • Understand the functions of private sectors