
Introduction to Macro Economics

  • To enlighten the evolution, importance and basic concepts of macroeconomics, and
  • To understand the functioning of an economy.

National Income

  • To understand the meaning of national income and some basic concepts of
    national income.
  • To know the methods of measuring national income.

Theories of Employment and Income

  • To understand the meaning of full employment and unemployment and its types.
  • To learn the classical theory of employment.
  • To know the importance of Keynes’ theory of income and employment.

Consumption and Investment Functions

  • To study the basic concepts in consumption and investment functions.
  • To impart knowledge on the working of Multiplier, Accelerator and Super Multiplier.

Monetary Economics

  • To understand the evolution of money, types, functions, meaning of inflation, types, causes, effects of inflation and measures to control.
  • To know the various phases of trade cycle.


  • To know about the functions of central bank and commercial banks.
  • To understand the Non-Banking Financial Institutions and their functions.

International Economics

  • To explain the importance of international trade and different theories of international trade.
  • To provide an understanding about the exchange rate determination, variation in exchange rate and Balance of Payments.
  • To provide an insight into FDI and Trade.

International Economic Organisations

  • To understand the role of international economic organizations in enhancing the magnitude of global business.
  • To know the objectives, functions and achievements of International Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade Organisation.
  • To study about the trade blocks, viz., SAARC, ASEAN and BRICS and their objectives, functions and achievements.

Fiscal Economics

  • To understand the meaning and subject matter of public finance.
  • To understand the direct and indirect taxes.
  • To describe the functions of finance commission.

Environmental Economics

  • To understand the link between economy and environment;
  • To describe the various types of environmental pollution and their effects; and,
  • To understand the importance of sustainable development

Economics of Development and Planning

  • To understand the process, features and determinants of economic development.
  • To study the case for and against planning and to compare the various types of planning.
  • To describe the functions of NITI Aayog.

Introduction to Statistical Methods and Econometrics

  • To describe some statistical techniques that may be useful to analyze economic issues.
  • To give a brief introduction to the subject of econometrics and its applications