
Reproduction in Plants

  • Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants


  • Classical Genetics
  • Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance


  • Principles and Processes of Biotechnology 6
  • Plant Tissue Culture

Plant Ecology

  • Principles of Ecology
  • Ecosystem
  • Environmental Issues

Economic Botany

  • Plant Breeding
  • Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Botany


Cell Membrane

  • discuss the structure and composition of a biological cell membrane
  • explain the biomemebrane models
  • describe the transport of substances across the membrane
  • examine the properties of membrane
  • explain the various buffer systems and functions


  • recognise the anatomy of digestive system
  • understand the digestive glands and their secretions
  • Deliberate the mechanical and chemical aspects of digestion
  • explain the role of digestive enzymes in digestion of macromolecules
  • describe different modes of absorption and assimilation of nutrients
  • recognise the role of gastro-intestinal hormones in digestion

Carbohydrate Metabolism

  • Describe the metabolic processes catabolism and alnabolism.
  • Describe the reactions of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis.
  • Describe the reactions of Hexose mono- phosphate shuttle pathway and TCA Cycle.

  • Synthesis of glucose from non – carbohydrate sources

  • Discuss the types, symptoms and cases of diabetes.

  • Explain the protocol to determine blood glucose level.

Protein Metabolism

  • Understand the general reactions concerned with the catabolism of dietary amino acids
  • Comprehend the various ways in which the amino groups of the amino acids are removed
  • Reciprocate the removal of carboxyl groups and fate of carbon skeletons of the amino acids
  • Emulate (Reproduce) the reactions of Urea cycle and realize that the amino groups of amino acids are removed in the form of urea by liver
  • Understand that the amino acids also serve as precursors for many biologically important compounds

Lipid Metabolism

  • recognise the nutritional importance of lipids
  • explain the β -Oxidation of fatty acid.
  • describe the cholesterol synthesis.
  • recall various products of cholesterol
  • describe phospholipids synthesis
  • Understands enzymatic hydralyse by phospholipids
  • recognise alter Atherosclerosis

Molecular biology

  • Explain the central dogma of Molecular Biology.
  • Explain the replication process.
  • Describe the mechanism of RNA synthesis.
  • Explain the structure of activated tRNA.
  • Describe the mechanism of protein synthesis.

Inborn Errors of Metabolism

  • Biochemical basis of Inborn errors of metabolism
  • Types of inborn errors of metabolism
  • Causes and symptoms of Galactosemia
  • Causative factors of Von Gierke disease
  • Various types of haemophilia and clotting factors
  • Ocular and oculo-cutaneous albinism
  • Causes and symptoms of Alkaptonuria
  • Causative factors of Tay – Sachs disease.

Biological Oxidation

  • Explain the cellular respiration and how cells make ATP
  • The basis of redox reaction and redox potential
  • Structural insights of mitochondria
  • Components of Electron transport chain
  • Inhibitors of the electron transport chain
  • The basis of oxidative phosphorylation
  • ATP synthesis and mechanics of ATP synthase
  • Uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation

Enzyme Kinetics

  • Derive the Michaelis – Menten equation.
  • Understand the types of enzyme inhibitors.
  • Explain the differences between competitive, non-competitive and uncompetitive inhibition


  • Understand the basic concepts of infection.
  • Identify few infectious diseases.
  • Understand the differences between innate and adaptive immunity.
  • List out the functions of antibodies.
  • Carry out blood grouping tests


Reproduction in Organisms

  • Modes of reproduction
  • Asexual reproduction
  • Sexual reproduction

Human Reproduction

  • Human reproductive system
  • Gametogenesis
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Fertilization and implantation
  • Maintenance of pregnancy and embryonic development
  • Parturition and lactation

Reproductive Health

  • Need for reproductive health problems and strategies
  • Amniocentesis and its statutory ban
  • Social impact of sex ratio, female foeticide and infanticide
  • Population explosion and birth control
  • Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
  • Infertility
  • Assisted reproductive technology (ART)
  • Detection of foetal disorders during early pregnancy

Principles of Inheritance and Variation

  • Multiple alleles
  • Human blood groups
  • Genetic control of Rh factor
  • Sex determination
  • Sex linked inheritance
  • Karyotyping
  • Pedigree analysis
  • Mendelian disorders
  • Chromosomal abnormalities

Molecular Genetics

  • Gene as the functional unit of inheritance
  • In search of the genetic material
  • DNA is the genetic material
  • Chemistry of nucleic acids
  • RNA world
  • Properties of genetic material
  • Packaging of DNA helix
  • DNA Replication
  • Transcription
  • Genetic code
  • tRNA – the adapter molecule
  • Translation
  • Regulation of Gene expression
  • Human Genome Project (HGP)
  • DNA finger printing technique


  • Origin of life - Evolution of life forms
  • Geological time scale
  • Biological evolution
  • Evidences for biological evolution
  • Theories of biological evolution
  • Mechanism of evolution
  • Hardy Weinberg principle
  • Origin and evolution of man

Human Health and Diseases

  • Human Health and Diseases
  • Maintenance of personal and public hygiene
  • Basic concepts of immunology
  • Immunodeficiency diseases
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Adolescence – Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Mental health – Depression

Microbes in Human Welfare

  • Microbes in household products
  • Microbes in industrial products
  • Microbes in sewage treatment and energy generation
  • Microbes in the production of biogas
  • Bioremediation

Applications of Biotechnology

  • Applications of Biotechnology
  • Gene therapy
  • Stem Cell Therapy
  • Molecular Diagnostics
  • Transgenic Animals
  • Biological products and their uses
  • Animal cloning
  • Ethical issues

Organisms and Populations

  • Organism and its Environment
  • Habitat
  • Major Abiotic Components or Factors
  • Concept of Biome and their Distribution
  • Responses to abiotic factors
  • Adaptations
  • Populations
  • Population attributes
  • Population age distribution
  • Growth models / Curves
  • Population regulation
  • Population interaction

Biodiversity and its Conservation

  • Biodiversity
  • Importance of biodiversity – Global and India
  • Biogeographical regions of India
  • Threats to biodiversity
  • Causes of Biodiversity Loss
  • IUCN
  • Biodiversity and its conservation

Environmental Issues

  • Pollution
  • Air Pollution
  • Water Pollution
  • Noise Pollution
  • Agrochemicals
  • Biomagnification
  • Eutrophication
  • Organic Farming and its Implementation
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Ecosan Toilets