Chemistry Volume-1


  • describe various methods of concentrating ores
  • explain various methods of extraction of crude metals
  • apply thermodynamic principles to metallurgical processes
  • predict the favourable conditions for the reduction process using Ellingham diagram
  • describe the electrochemical principles of metallurgy
  • apply the electrochemical principles in the extraction of metals
  • explain the electrode reactions in electrolytic refi ning.
  • list the uses of Al, Zn, Fe, Cu and Au

p-Block Elements-I

  • describe the general trends in the properties of p-block elements
  • explain the anomalous properties of the first element of p-block groups
  • discuss the preparation, properties and uses of boron
  • discuss the preparation of important, compounds of boron and aluminium
  • discuss the preparation and properties of important compounds of carbon and silicon

p-Block Elements - II

  • discuss the preparation and properties of important compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus
  • describe the preparation and properties of important compounds of oxygen and sulphur
  • describe the preparation, properties of halogens and hydrogen halides
  • explain the chemistry of inter-halogen compounds
  • describe the occurrence, properties and uses of noble gases
  • appreciate the importance of p-block elements and their compounds in day today life.

Transition and Inner Transition Elements

  • recognise the position of d and f block elements in the periodic table
  • describe the general trend in properties of elements of 3d series
  • discuss the trends in Mn+/M standard  electrode potential
  • predict the oxidising and reducing property based in Eo values
  • explain the tendencies of d-block elements towards the formation of alloy,complex and interstitial compounds
  • describe the preparation and properties of potassium permanganate and potassium dichromate
  • describe the properties of f-block elements
  • compare the properties of lanthanoides and actinides

Coordination Chemistry

  • defi ne important terms in coordination chemistry
  • nomenclate the coordination compounds in accordance with the guidelines of IUPAC
  • describe diff erent types of isomerism in coordination compounds
  • discuss the postulates of Werner's theory of coordination compounds
  • predict the geometry of coordination compounds using valence bond theory
  • apply crystal fi eld theory to explain the colour and magnetic properties of coordination compounds
  • diff erentiate high spin and low spin coordination compounds
  • explain the stability of coordination compounds interms of stability constants.
  • explain the applications of coordination compounds in day to day life

Solid State

  • describe general characteristics of solids
  • distinguish amorphous and crystalline solids
  • define unit cell
  • describe different types of voids and close packed structures
  • calculate the packing effi ciency of different types of cubic unit cell
  • solve numerical problems involving unit cell dimensions
  • explain point defects in solids

Chemical Kinetics

  • define the rate and order of a reaction,
  • derive the integrated rate equations for zero and fi rst order reactions,
  • describe the half life period,
  • describe the collision theory,
  • discuss the temperature dependence of the rate of a reaction, and
  • explain various factors which affect the rate of a reaction.

Chemistry Volume-2

Ionic Equilibrium

  • classify the substances into acids and bases based on Arrhenius, Lowry – Bronsted and Lewis concepts.
  • defi ne pH scale and establish relationship between pH and pOH
  • describe the equilibrium involved in the ionisation of water.
  • explain Ostwald’s dilution Law and derive a relationship between the dissociation constant and degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte.
  • recognise the concept of common ion effect and explain buff er action.
  • apply Henderson equation for the preparation of buff er solution
  • calculate solubility product and understand the relation between solubility and solubility product.
  • solve numerical problems involving ionic equilibria.

Electro Chemistry

  • Recognise the conductivity of electrolylic solution
  • Defi ne the terms resistivity, conductivity equivalent and molar conductivity
  • Explain the variation of conductivity with concentration
  • Apply Kohlrausch law to calculate the conductivity of weak electrolyte at infinite dilution.
  • Describe an electrochemical cell
  • Diff erentiate between an electrochemical and electolylic cell
  • Represent a galvanic cell using IUPAC cell notation
  • Derive Nernst equation and apply it to calculate Ecell.
  • Define Faraday’s Law of electrolysis
  • Describe the construction of batteries
  • Explain corrosion as an electrochemical process.

Surface Chemistry

  • classify adsorption.
  • distinguish between absorption and adsorption
  • explain Freundlich adsorption isotherm
  • understand catalysis and the characteristics of catalysts.
  • explain the theories of catalysis and enzyme catalysis.
  • classify colloids.
  • explain the methods of preparation and purifi cation of colloids.
  • discuss the properties of colloidal solution.
  • explain the role of colloids and emulsions in daily life.

Hydroxy Compounds and Ethers

  •  describe the important methods of preparation and reactions of alcohols
  • explain the mechanism of Nucleophilic substitution reaction of alcohols and ethers.
  • explain the elimination reaction of alcohols.
  • describe the preparation and properties of phenols
  • discuss the preparation of ethers and explain their chemical reactions.
  • recognise the uses of alcohols and ethers

Carbonyl Compounds and Carboxylic Acids

  • describes the important methods of preparation and reactions of Carbonyl compounds
  • explains the mechanism of Nucleophilic addition reaction of carbonyl compounds
  • describes the preparation and chemical reactions of carboxylic acids and its derivatives
  • list the uses of aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids

Organic Nitrogen Compounds

  • understand isomerism in organic nitro compounds
  • describe the preparation and properties of nitro compounds
  • classify amines as primary, secondary and tertiary
  • describe the methods of preparation of amines
  • explain the properties of amines
  • distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines
  • describe the method of preparation of diazonium salts
  • explain the preparation and properties of cyanides



  • Describe the importance of carbohydrates and their classifi cation based on structures/functions.
  • Explain the structure of glucose and fructose and their elucidation.
  • List the twenty amino acids and explain the peptide bond formation
  • Explain the four levels of structure of proteins
  • Outline the mechanism of enzyme catalysis
  • Summarise the sources and defi ciency diseases of vitamins
  • Outline the composition and the structure of nucleic acids.
  • Diff erentiate RNA from DNA and explain DNA fi nger printing
  • Appreciate the importance of biomolecules in our life

Chemistry in Everyday Life

  • recognize the term drug and chemotherapy
  •  classify the drugs based on their properties
  • describe the drug-target interaction.
  • discuss some important classes of drugs.
  • explain the chemistry of cleansing agents
  • describe the chemicals in food
  • explain the important terms in polymer chemistry.
  • describe the preparation of some important synthetic polymers
  • appreciate the importance of polymers in today life