Physics Volume-1


  • Historical background of electricity and magnetism
  • The role of electrostatic force in day – to-day life
  • Coulomb’s law and superposition principle
  • The concept of electric field
  • Calculation of electric field for various charge configurations
  • Electrostatic potential and electrostatic potential energy
  • Electric dipole and dipole moment
  • Electric field and electrostatic potential for a dipole
  • Electric flux
  • Gauss law and its various applications
  • Electrostatic properties of conductors and dielectrics
  • Polarisation
  • Capacitors in series and parallel combinations
  • Effect of a dielectric in a capacitor
  • Distribution of charges in conductors, corona discharge
  • Working of a Van de Graaff generator

Current Electricity

  • Flow of charges in a metallic conductor
  • Ohm’s law, electrical resistance, V-I characteristics
  • Carbon resistors and combination of resistors
  • Kirchhoff ’s laws - Wheatstone’s bridge and its applications
  • Electric power and Electric energy
  • Heating effect - Joule’s law – applications
  • Thermoelectric effects – Seebeck effect – Peltier effect – Thomson effect

Magnetism and magnetic effects of electric current

  • Earth’s magnetic field and magnetic elements
  • Basic properties of magnets
  • Statement of Coulomb inverse square law of magnetism
  • Magnetic dipole
  • Magnetic field due to a dipole along axial line and equatorial line
  • Torque acting on a bar magnet in a uniform magnetic field
  • Potential energy of a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field
  • Magnetic properties – permeability, susceptibility etc
  • Classification of magnetic materials – dia, para and ferro magnetic materials
  • Concept of Hysteresis
  • Magnetic effects of electric current – long straight conductor and circular coil
  • Right hand thumb rule and Maxwell’s right hand cork screw rule
  • Biot-Savart’s law – applications
  • Tangent law and Tangent Galvanometer
  • Current loop as a magnetic dipole
  • Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron
  • Ampère’s circuital law – applications
  • Solenoid and toroid
  • Lorentz force – charged particle moving in an electromagnetic field
  • Cyclotron
  • Force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field
  • Force between two long parallel current carrying conductor
  • Torque on a current loop in a magnetic field
  • Moving Coil Galvanometer

Electromagnetic Induction And Alternating Current

  • the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction
  • the application of Lenz’s law to find the direction of induced emf
  • the concept of Eddy current and its uses
  • the phenomenon of self-induction and mutual-induction
  • the various methods of producing induced emfs
  • the construction and working of AC generators
  • the principle of transformers and its role in long distance power communication
  • the notion of root mean square value of alternating current
  • the idea of phasors and phase relationships in different AC circuits
  • the insight about power in an AC circuit and wattless current
  • the understanding of energy conservation during LC oscillations

   Electromagnetic waves

  • the displacement current
  • Maxwell’s correction to Ampere's circuital law
  • Maxwell’s equation in integral form
  • production and properties of electromagnetic waves – Hertz’s experiment
  • sources of electromagnetic waves
  • electromagnetic spectrum

Physics Volume-2


  • The two aspects of treating light as a ray and a wave.
  • Th e behaviour and propagation of light.
  • Th e concepts related to mirrors, lenses, prisms etc.
  • Th e diff erent optical instruments like microscope, telescope etc.
  • Th e terms like magnifi cation and resolving power etc.
  • Th e various phenomena that support the wave nature of light.

Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

  • the phenomenon of electron emission and its types
  • the observations of Hertz, Hallwachs and Lenard
  • photoelectric effect and its laws
  • the concept of quantization of energy
  • photo cell and its applications
  • particle nature of radiation
  • the wave nature of matter
  • de Broglie equation and de Broglie wavelength of electron
  • the construction and working of electron microscope
  • Davisson and Germer experiment
  • X-rays and its production
  • X-rays spectra and its types

Atomic and Nuclear physics

  • electric discharge through the gases
  • determination of specifi c charge by J.J. Thomson experiment
  • determination of electronic charge by Millikan’s oil drop experiment
  • atom models – J.J. Th omson and Rutherford
  • Bohr atom model and hydrogen atom
  • atomic spectrum and hydrogen spectrum
  • structure and properties of nucleus
  • various classifi cation of nuclei based on atomic and mass number
  • mass defect and binding energy
  • relation between stability and binding energy curve
  • alpha, beta and gamma decay
  • law of radioactive decay
  • nuclear fi ssion and fusion
  • elementary ideas of nuclear reactors
  • qualitative idea of elementary particles

Semiconductor Electronics

  • Energy band diagram in semiconductors
  • Types of semiconductors
  • Formation of p-n junction diode and its V-I characteristics
  • Rectification process
  • Special purpose diodes
  • Transistors and their immediate applications
  • Digital and analog signals
  • Logic gates
  • Boolean algebra
  • De Morgan’s theorem

Communication Systems

  • Basic elements of communication system
  • Need for modulation and its types
  • Propagation of electromagnetic waves through space
  • Satellite communication
  • Fiber optic communication
  • Radar
  • Internet
  • Global positioning system
  • Applications of communication technology in fi shing, mining, and agriculture sectors.

Recent Developments in Physics

  • Importance of physis for the development in all spheres
  • Physis as the basic building block for engineering and technology
  • Nanoscience and  Nanotechnology
  • Physis in robotics
  • Principles of physis in medical diagnosis and theraphy
  • Realise that the foundation to explore recent developments is covered in higher secondary physis
  • Student are equipped to face challenge in higher education comfortably and  confidently