
Rise of Nationalism in India

  • Changes in agrarian conditions and import of British manufactures ruin Indian handicrafts and the artisanal class
  • Periodical outbreak of famines force landless labourers and jobless artisans to emigrate
  • Introduction of Western education and birth of national awakening.
  • Other contributory factors for the rise of Nationalism in India
  • Modern Indian intelligentsia lays the foundation of Indian National Congress
  • Early Nationalists and their contribution, especially of Naoroji and his Drain Theory

Rise of Extremism and Swadeshi Movement

  • To understand the nature and significance of the Swadeshi Movement in Bengal
  • To know the repressive measures of the government of British India
  • To trace the events leading up to the Surat Split (in the Indian National Congress) in 1907
  • To familiarise ourselves with revolutionary extremism in Bengal
  • To acquaint ourselves with the Swadeshi Struggles in Tamil Nadu
  • To examine the role played by V.O. Chidambaram, V.V. Subramaniam, Subramania Siva and Subramania Bharati

Impact of World War I on Indian Freedom Movement

  • The conditions created by World War I: Moderates and Militants putting up a united struggle against the British through the Home Rule Leagues of Tilak
    and Annie Besant.
  • Repressive Measures of the British: Enactment of Defence of India Act.
  • Lucknow Pact facilitating Hindu-Muslim unity.
  • Jallianwalah Bagh Massacre and Hindu-Muslim solidarity in Khilafat Movement.
  • The impact of World War I and Russian Revolution on the Indian Labour Movement

Advent of Gandhi and Mass Mobilisation

  • Champaran movement and Kheda satyagraha
  • Montague-Chelmsford reforms
  • The non-Brahmin movement and non-cooperation movement
  • Jallianwalah Bagh Massacre and Swaraj party and its activities
  • Simon Commission, The Round Table Conferences
  • Gandhi - Irwin pact and Ambedker in politics

Period of Radicalism in Anti-imperialist Struggles

  • The Kanpur Conspiracy Case
  • Meerut Trial
  • Bhagat Singh– Kalpana Dutt
  • The Karachi Session of Indian National Congress
  • The Great Depression and its impact on India
  • Industrial development in India

Communalism in Nationalist Politics

  • The emergence of religious nationalism in pre-independent India
  • British Divide and Rule policy to promote their imperial interests
  • Grant of separate electorate by the British for Muslims encouraging the League and Jinnah to press their demand for a separate state for Muslims
  • Acceptance of office by Congress, under Government of India Act, 1935, and the increasing gap between Congress and Muslim League
  • Call for Direct Action Day given by Jinnah and the resultant communal violence in Calcutta
  • The partition of the country into India and Pakistan

Last Phase of Indian National Movement

  • Cripps Mission and its failure
  • Quit India Movement and Gandhi’s call for “Do or Die”
  • Subash Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army (INA)
  • Rajaji’s compromise proposals and Wavell Plan
  • Royal Indian Navy Revolt (1946)
  • Mountbatten Plan & Partition

Reconstruction of Post-colonial India

  • The challenges of Partition
  • Making of the Constitution: The Process and the Spirit
  • Integrating the Princely States into the Indian Union
  • Reorganisation of states on linguistic basis
  • India’s Relations with the neighbouring countries and its role in world affairs.

Envisioning a New Socio-Economic Order

  • The economic situation in India at the time of Independence
  • India as a socialist, democratic nation and what this signified
  • Steps taken to improve agriculture and the rural economy
  1. Land reforms, and assessment of their effectiveness
  2. Technological development through the Green Revolution
  3. Rural development programmes
  4. Rural employment schemes
  • Industrial Development
  1. Strategy and rationale of investment in heavy industry
  2. The role of the state and government controls on private industry and consumption through industrial regulation policies and legislation
  3. The role of the public sector
  4. Liberalisation and after
  • Five Year Plans in India
  • Education - The progress in literacy and expansion of school education
  • Science and Technology: Growth of institutions of scientific research and technology in the country

Modern World: The Age of Reason

  • Renaissance in Italy and its spread to western Europe
  • The discovery of new land and sea routes
  • Commercial revolution and its Impact
  • Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation
  • Rise of new monarchies and the emergence of Nation-States in Western Europe

The Age of Revolutions

  • The causes, course and effects of American War of Independence
  • French Revolution, its causes, course and its impact in Europe and across the world
  • Revolution in Latin America
  • The beginning of Industrial revolution in England and later in Germany and the USA

Europe in Turmoil

  • The rise of socialist ideas and birth of communism.
  • Chartist movement in England.
  • Significance of the July (1830) and the February (1848) revolutions in France.
  • Role of Mazzini, Cavour and Garibaldi in the Unifi cation of Italy.
  • Bismarck’s ‘blood and iron policy’ for the Unifi cation of Germany.
  • Th e Long Depression and its Impact in Germany and America, 1873-1896.

Imperialism and its Onslaught

  • Rise of Imperialism in the context of alliance between monopoly industry and finance to conquer markets
  • Race for colonies and the resultant conflict among nations, culminating in the outbreak of World War I
  • Causes, course and consequences of World War I
  • The Russian Revolution and its Significance
  • The Great Depression of 1930s
  • Fascist Counter-Revolution in Italy and Germany

Outbreak of World War II and its Impact in Colonies

  • The causes, course and results of World War II
  • The Chinese Revolution
  • Nationalist Movements and Struggles for Independence in Indonesia and Philippines

The World after World War II

  • The emergence of a bi-Polar world in the post-World War II period
  • Beginning of Cold War with US funded post-War reconstruction of Europe
  • Military Pacts leading to the formation of two ideologically different camps: NATO, led by the USA and the USSR-led Warsaw Pact countries.
  • Non-Alignment movement and Third World countries
  • UNO and its role in resolving global disputes
  • Formation and consolidation of the European Union
  • Collapse of Soviet Union and the end of Cold War