Maths Vol - 1

Applications of Matrices and Determinants

  • Introduction
  • Inverse of a Non-Singular Square Matrix
  • Elementary Transformations of a Matrix
  • Applications of Matrices: Solving System of Linear Equations
  • Applications of Matrices: Consistency of system of linear equations by rank method

Complex Numbers

  • Introduction to Complex Numbers
  • Complex Numbers
  • Basic Algebraic Properties of Complex Numbers
  • Conjugate of a Complex Number
  • Modulus of a Complex Number
  • Geometry and Locus of Complex Numbers
  • Polar and Euler form of a Complex Number
  • de Moivre’s Theorem and its Applications

Theory of Equations

  • Introduction
  • Basics of Polynomial Equations
  • Vieta’s Formulae and Formation of Polynomial Equations
  • Nature of Roots and Nature of Coefficients of Polynomial Equations
  • Applications to Geometrical Problems
  • Roots of Higher Degree Polynomial Equations
  • Polynomials with Additional Information
  • Polynomial Equations with no additional information
  • Descartes Rule

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

  • Introduction
  • Some Fundamental Concepts
  • Sine Function and Inverse Sine Function
  • The Cosine Function and Inverse Cosine Function
  • The Tangent Function and the Inverse Tangent Function
  • The Cosecant Function and the Inverse Cosecant Function
  • The Secant Function and Inverse Secant Function
  • The Cotangent Function and the Inverse Cotangent Function
  • Principal Value of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  • Properties of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Two Dimensional Analytical Geometry-II

  • Introduction
  • Circle
  • Conics
  • Conic Sections
  • Parametric form of Conics
  • Tangents and Normals to Conics
  • Real life Applications of Conics

Applications of Vector Algebra

  • Introduction
  • Geometric Introduction to Vectors
  • Scalar Product and Vector Product
  • Scalar triple product
  • Vector triple product
  • Jacobi’s Identity and Lagrange’s Identity
  • Different forms of Equation of a Straight line
  • Different forms of Equation of a plane
  • Image of a point in a plane
  • Meeting point of a line and a plane

Maths Volume-2

Applications of Differential Calculus

  • Introduction
  • Meaning of Derivatives
  • Mean Value Theorem
  • Series Expansions
  • Indeterminate Forms
  • Applications of First Derivative
  • Applications of Second Derivative
  • Applications in Optimization
  • Symmetry and Asymptotes
  • Sketching of Curves

Differentials and Partial Derivatives

  • Introduction
  • Linear Approximation and Differentials
  • Functions of Several Variables
  • Limit and Continuity of Functions of Two Variables
  • Partial Derivatives
  • Linear Approximation and Differential of a Function of Several Variables

Applications of Integration

  • Introduction
  • Definite Integral as the Limit of a Sum
  • Fundamental Theorems of Integral Calculus and their Applications

  • Bernoulli’s Formula

  • Improper Integrals

  • Reduction Formulae

  • Gamma Integral

  • Evaluation of Bounded Plane Area by Integration

  • Volume of a Solid obtained by Revolving Area about an Axis

Ordinary Differential Equations

  • Introduction
  • Differential Equation, Order, and Degree
  • Classification of Differential Equations
  • Formation of Differential Equations
  • Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Solution of First Order and First Degree Differential Equations

  • First Order Linear Differential Equations

  • Applications of First Order Ordinary Differential Equations

Probability Distributions

  • Introduction
  • Random Variable
  • Types of Random Variable
  • Continuous Distributions
  • Mathematical Expectation
  • Theoretical Distributions: Some Special Discrete Distributions

Discrete Mathematics

  • Introduction
  • Binary Operations
  • Mathematical Logic