Physics Volume-1

Nature of Physical World and Measurement

  • excitement generated by the discoveries in Physics
  • an understanding of physical quantities of importance
  • different system of units
  • an understanding of errors and corrections in physics measurements
  • the importance of significant figures
  •  usage of dimensions to check the homogeneity of physical quantities


  • different types of motions (linear, rotational and oscillatory)
  •  the necessity for reference frames to explain the motion of objects
  •  the meaning of vectors, scalars and their properties
  •  the role of scalar and vector products in physics
  •  the basics of differentiation and integration
  • the notions of displacement and distance and their variation with time
  •  the notions of speed, velocity, acceleration and their graphs.
  •  the notion of relative velocity
  •  kinematic equations of motion for constant acceleration
  •  analysis of various types of motion of objects under gravitational force
  • radians and degrees
  •  uniform circular motion, centripetal acceleration and centripetal force.

Laws of motion

  • Newton’s laws
  •  logical connection between laws of Newton
  •  free body diagram and related problems
  •  law of conservation of momentum
  •  role of frictional forces
  •  centripetal and centrifugal forces
  •  origin of centrifugal force

Work, Energy and Power

  • definition of work
  •  work done by a constant and a variable force
  •  various types of energy
  •  law of conservation of energy
  • vertical circular motion
  •  definition of power
  •  various types of collisions

Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Bodies

  • relevance of the centre of mass in various systems of particles
  •  torque and angular momentum in rotational motion
  •  types of equilibria with appropriate examples
  •  moment of inertia of different rigid bodies
  • dynamics of rotation of rigid bodies
  •  distinguishing translational motion from rotational motion
  •  rolling motion, slipping and sliding motions.

Physics Volume-2


  • Kepler’s laws for planetary motion
  •  Newton’s law of gravitation
  • connection between Kepler’s laws and law of gravitation
  •  calculation of gravitational field and potential
  • calculation of variation of acceleration due to gravity
  •  calculation of escape speed and energy of satellites
  •  concept of weightlessness
  •  advantage of heliocentric system over geocentric system
  •  measurement of the radius of Earth using Eratosthenes method
  • recent developments in gravitation and astrophysics

Properties of Matter

  • inter atomic or intermolecular forces in matter
  • stress, strain and elastic modulus
  •  surface tension
  •  viscosity
  •  properties of fl uids and their applications

Heat and Thermodynamics

  • meaning of heat, work and temperature
  •  ideal gas laws
  •  concept of specific heat capacity
  •  thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases
  •  various states of matter
  •  Newton’s law of cooling
  •  Stefan’s law and Wien’s law
  •  meaning of thermodynamic equilibrium
  •  meaning of internal energy
  • zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics
  • various thermodynamic processes
  •  work done in various thermodynamic processes
  •  second law of thermodynamics
  •  working of carnot engine and refrigerator

Kinetic Theory of Gases

  • necessity of kinetic theory of gases
  •  the microscopic origin of pressure and temperature
  •  correlate the internal energy of the gas and translational kinetic energy of gas molecules
  •  meaning of degrees of freedom
  •  calculate the total degrees of freedom for mono atomic, diatomic and triatomic molecules
  •  law of equipartition of energy
  •  calculation of the ratio of CP and CV
  • mean free path and its dependence with pressure, temperature and number density
  •  Brownian motion and its microscopic origin


  • oscillatory motion – periodic motion and non-periodic motion
  •  simple harmonic motion
  •  angular harmonic motion
  •  linear harmonic oscillator – both horizontal and vertical
  •  combination of springs – series and parallel
  •  simple pendulum
  •  expression of energy – potential energy, kinetic energy and total energy
  •  graphical representation of simple harmonic motion
  •  types of oscillation – free, damped, maintained and forced oscillations
  •  concept of resonance


  • waves and their types (transverse and longitudinal)
  •  basic terms like wavelength, frequency, time period and amplitude of a wave
  •  velocity of transverse waves and longitudinal waves
  •  velocity of sound waves
  •  refl ection of sound waves from plane and curved surfaces and its applications
  •  progressive waves and their graphical representation
  •  superposition principle, interference of waves, beats and standing waves
  •  characteristics of stationary waves, sonometer
  •  fundamental frequency, harmonics and overtones
  •  intensity and loudness
  •  vibration of air column – closed organ pipe, open organ pipe and resonance air column
  •  Doppler eff ect and its applications