
Introduction to Accounting

  • Introduction to Accounting
  • Evolution of Accounting
  • Meaning and Definition of Accounting
  • Accounting cycle
  • Objectives of Accounting
  • Functions of Accounting
  • Importance of Accounting
  • Basic Accounting terminologies
  • Branches of Accounting
  • Bases of Accounting
  • Users of Accounting information
  • Role of an accountant   

Conceptual Framework of Accounting

  • Book-keeping – An introduction
  • Book- keeping Vs. Accounting
  • Relationship among Book-keeping, Accounting and Accountancy
  • Accounting Principles
  • Accounting Standards (AS)
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • Accounting Standards in India

Books of prime entry

  • Introduction
  • Source documents
  • Double entry system
  • Transaction
  • Account
  • Approaches of recording transactions
  • Accounting rules
  • Journal entries


  • Introduction
  • Utilities of ledger
  • Format of ledger account
  • Distinction between journal and ledger
  • Procedure for posting
  • Balancing of ledger accounts

Trial Balance

  • Introduction
  • Need for preparing trial balance
  • Definition of trial balance
  • Features of trial balance
  • Objectives of preparing trial balance
  • Limitations of trial balance
  • Methods of preparing trial balance
  • Suspense account

 Subsidiary Book-I

  •  Introduction
  • Meaning of subsidiary books
  • Types of subsidiary books
  • Advantages of subsidiary books
  • Purchases book
  • Purchases returns book
  • Sales book
  • Sales returns book
  • Bills of exchange
  • Bills receivable book
  • Bills payable book
  • Journal proper

Subsidiary Book-II

  • Introduction
  • Meaning of cash book
  • Cash book – A subsidiary book and principal book of accounts
  • Importance of cash book
  • Types of cash book
  • Single column cash book
  • Cash discount and trade discount
  • Double column cash book
  • Three column cash book
  • Petty cash book

Bank Reconciliation Statement

  •  Introduction
  • Bank Reconciliation Statement
  • Reasons why bank column of cash book and bank statement may differ
  • Preparation of bank reconciliation statement

 Rectification of errors

  • Introduction
  • Meaning of errors
  • Errors at different stages of accounting
  • Classification of errors
  • Errors disclosed by the trial balance and errors not disclosed by the trial balance
  • Steps to locate errors
  • Suspense account
  • Rectification of errors
  • Errors in computerised accounting

Depreciation Accounting

  • Introduction
  • Depreciation – Meaning and definition
  • Objectives of providing depreciation
  • Causes of depreciation
  • Characteristics of depreciation
  • Factors determining the amount of depreciation
  • Methods of providing depreciation
  • Methods of recording depreciation
  • Calculation of profit or loss on sale of asset

Capital and Revenue Transactions

  • Introduction
  • Considerations in determining capital and revenue expenditures
  • Classification of expenditure
  • Capital expenditure
  • Revenue expenditure
  • Deferred revenue expenditure
  • Comparison of capital, revenue and deferred revenue expenditure
  • Capital and revenue receipts
  • Distinction between capital and revenue receipts

Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors-I

  • Introduction to final accounts
  • Closing entries and Opening entry
  • Trading account
  • Profit and Loss account
  • Balance sheet
  • Differences between trial balance and balance sheet

Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors-II

  • Introduction
  • Adjustment entries and accounting treatment of adjustments
  • Summary of adjusting entries and accounting treatment of adjustments
  • Final accounts with adjustments

Computerised  Accounting

  • Introduction to computers
  • Computerised Accounting System (CAS)
  • Advantages of Computerised Accounting System
  • Limitations of Computerised Accounting System
  • Differences between manual and computerised accounting system
  • Accounting software
  • Grouping and codification of Accounts
  • Microsoft Office - MS Word and MS Excel Practical