Bio - Botany

Living World

  • Differentiate living and non-living things.
  • Appreciate the attributes of living organisms.
  • Compare the different classifications proposed by biologists.
  • Recognize the general characters, structure and reproduction of Bacteria.
  • Identify the characteristic features of Archaebacteria, Cyanobacteria, Mycoplasma and Actinomycetes.
  • Describe the characteristic features of fungi.
  • Discuss the structure and uses of Mycorrhizae and Lichens.

Plant Kingdom

  • Outline the classification of plants
  • Illustrate the life cycles in plants
  • Recognize the general characteristic features and reproduction of Algae
  • Recognize the general characteristic features of Bryophytes
  • Recognize the general characteristic features of Pteridophytes
  • Describe the general characteristic features of Gymnosperms
  • Recognize the salient features of Angiosperms

Vegetative Morphology

  • Explore the parts of the flowering plants
  • Differentiate vegetative morphology and reproductive morphology
  • Compare various Root systems and their modifications
  • Understand the stem modifications and functions
  • Interpret the structure and functions of leaf

Reproductive Morphology

  • List the types of Inflorescence.
  • Distinguish Racemose and Cymose inflorescence
  • Dissect a flower and explore the parts of a flower.
  • Compare various types of Aestivation.
  • Explore various types of Placentation.
  • Understands the types of Fruits and seeds
  • To differentiate Monocot and Dicot seeds

Taxonomy and Systematic Botany

  • Differentiate systematic botany from taxonomy.
  • Explain the ICN principles and to discuss the codes of nomenclature.
  • Compare the national and international herbaria.
  • Appreciate the role of morphology, anatomy, cytology, DNA sequencing in relation to Taxonomy,
  • Describe diagnostic features of families Fabaceae, Solanaceae and Liliaceae.

Cell: The Unit of Life

  • Understand the ideas of cell theory and the different concepts associated with it
  • Recognize the basic structure of cell and differentiate the cells of animals, plants, bacteria and viruses
  • Explain the structure and functions of cell organelles including nucleus
  • Recognize the structure of chromosome and its types

Cell Cycle

  • Outline the cell cycle and different stages in cell division.
  • Recognise the importance of mitosis in the production of genetically identical cells.
  • Have an insight on the significant of mitosis and meiosis.
  • Familiarize the behaviour of chromosomes in plants and animal cells during meiosis.


  • Recognise the basic structure of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids and differentiate the various pattern of classification with
    respect to structure.
  • Familiarise with the general structure of amino acids and its classification based on the functional group.
  • know the structure and classification of enzymes properties
  • Understand lipids as a biomolecule and discuss the properties of lipids.
  • Have a deeper knowledge about structure of nucleic acids.

Tissue and Tissue System

  • Study major types of plant tissues and their functions.
  • Describes the various type of tissue system
  • Interpret cross sections and longitudinal sections of dicot and monocot root, stem and leaf.
  • Compare the internal organization of dicot root and monocot root.

Secondary Growth

  • Analyze primary and secondary growth.
  • Discuss the increase in length and width of the plant.
  • Explain secondary growth in dicot stems.
  • Explain secondary growth in dicot roots.

Transport in Plants

  • Recall knowledge of basic physical and biological processes studied in previous classes.
  • Classify, differentiate and compare the process of active and passive transport.
  • Understand the mechanism of absorption of water.
  • Analyse the various theories in ascent of sap.
  • Understand the process of transpiration and Compare the various types of transpiration.
  • Discuss the mechanism of phloem translocation.
  • Understand the process behind mineral absorption.

Mineral Nutrition

  • Recognise the need of mineral nutrition.
  • Analyse the classification and criteria for essential minerals.
  • Learn the techniques of Hydroponics and Aeroponics.
  • Correlate different types of special modes of nutrition.
  • Ability to recall and analyse nitrogen fixation.


  • Learn the Ultra structure of Chloroplast
  • Realise the importance of solar energy and properties of light.
  • Acquire knowledge of Quantum, Quantum yield and Quantum requirement.
  • Develop curiosity for photosynthetic experiments like Red drop, Emerson Enhancement effect and Hill’s Reaction.
  • Analyse the pathway of electron- PS I and PS II.
  • Recognise the Photo-Oxidative and Photo Chemical Pathway.
  • Develop skill in Photosynthetic pathways and ability to draw C3, C4, C2 and CAM cycle.


  • Recognize the stages of glucose breakdown and its redox system.
  • Differentiate aerobic respiration from anaerobic respiration.
  • Describe the conditions under which respiration occurs.
  • Realize the role of mitochondria as power house of the cell.
  • Understand, how ATP molecules are generated during respiration.

Plant Growth and Development

  • Define growth.
  • List out and differentiate the phases of growth.
  • Explain the structure, precursor, bioassay and physiological effects of plant growth regulators.