
Introduction to Micro Economics

  • To acquire a fundamental knowledge on the subject of Economics and to
    understand its nature and scope;
  • To understand the meaning of some of the basic concepts of Economics and
    to observe how they are applied in the various definitions formulated on the
    science of Economics

Consumption Analysis

  • To understand the consumer behaviour when price changes.
  • To perceive the consumer equilibrium in terms of cardinal and ordinal approaches.

Production Analysis

  • To understand the various factors of production and its characteristics.
  • To understand the short run and long run production function.
  • To understand the concept of supply.

Cost and Revenue Analysis

  • To identify the cost involved in the production of any commodity or service
    and to present the ways in which it is utilized, combining with revenue in the
    calculation of profit of the firm; and
  • To point out how revenue is realized at the sale of the goods and services

Market Structure and Pricing

  •  To understand the characteristics of markets and how the price and output are determined under the several types of markets; and,
  • To study the nature of the profit obtained by a firm under different types of markets

Distribution Analysis

  • To acquire knowledge about distribution of income among the factors of production.
  • To enable the students to understand the theories of rent, wages, interest and profit

Indian Economy

  • To understand the current status of the Indian Economy in terms of features, Natural resources, infrastructure facilities and so on
  • To understand the contributions of major Indian Economic Thinkers

Indian Economy Before and After Independence

  • To understand the experience of India during British Rule
  • To analyse the efforts taken by the Government of India after

Development Experiences in India

  • To understand the reforms introduced in the recent years.

Rural Economy

  • To understand the features of rural economy and to highlight the need to develop rural  areas and
  • To bring into the light the problems of rural villages and to familiarise the initiatives undertaken.

Tamil Nadu Economy

  • To understand the resource position of Tamil Nadu economy
  • To analyse the performance of Tamil Nadu economy in relation to other states

Mathematical Methods for Economics

  • To understand why mathematics is required for economics,
  • To learn the knowledge of mathematical methods, as a facility for self-expression mot only in descriptive economics, but also in quantitative economics