
Historical Background of Commerce in the Sub-Continent

  • Introduction
  • Barter System
  • Hindrances of Commerce
  • Elimination of Hindrances of Business

Objectives of Business

  • Introduction
  • Types of Economic Activities
  • Characteristics of Business
  • Objectives of Business

Classification of Business Activities

  • Industry
  • Commerce
  • Trade

Sole Proprietorship

  • Introduction
  • Definition of Sole Trader
  • Characteristics
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

Hindu Undivided Family and Partnership

  • Introduction to HUF
  • Meaning and Defi nition of Partnership
  • Partnership Deed and its Contents
  • Rights and Duties of Partners
  • Types of Partners
  • Procedure for Registration
  • Drawbacks of Non-Registration of Partnership
  • Dissolution of Partnership

Joint Stock Company

  • Meaning and Definition of a Company
  • Types of Companies
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Articles of Association
  • Prospectus

Cooperative Organisation

  • Meaning and Definition
  • Principles of Cooperation
  • Features of Cooperatives
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Types of Cooperatives

Multi National Corporations (MNCs)

  • Meaning and Definition
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Examples of MNCs

Government Organisation

  • Meaning and Features of Departmental Undertaking
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Meaning and Features of Public Corporation
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Meaning and Features of Government Company
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

Reserve Bank of India

  • Need for the Study on Service Business
  • Banking Service
  • The Historical Development of Banks in India
  • Bank Definition
  • Definition of Central Bank
  • Origin of RBI
  • Organisational Structure of RBI
  • Functions of RBI

Types of Banks

  • Introduction
  • Types of banks

Functions of Commercial banks

  • Primary Functions
  • Secondary Functions
  • Diversified Banking Functions
  • Electronic Banking Functions
  • Functions of All Commercial Banks in Totality


  • Meaning of Warehouse and Warehousing
  • Diff erences between Warehouse and Warehousing
  • Types of Warehouses
  • Functions of Warehouses
  • Advantages and Drawbacks of Warehousing
  • Warehousing Documents
  • Warehousing in India


  • Meaning and Definition of Transport
  • Types of Transport
  • Recent Trends in Transportation
  • Documents Used in Transportation
  • Common Carrier


  • Meaning and Definition of Insurance
  • Principles of Insurance
  • Types of Insurance
  • Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDAI)

Emerging Service Business in India

  • Franchising
  • Factoring
  • Logistics
  • Outsourcing
  • E-Commerce

Social responsibility of business

  • Concept of Social Responsibility
  • Need for Social Responsibility
  • Arguments For and Against Social
  • Kinds of Social Responsibility

Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

  • Concept of Business Ethics
  • Key Elements of Business Ethics
  • Code of Business Ethics
  • Corporate Governance
  • International Benchmarking

Sources of Business Finance

  • Meaning and Nature of Business Finance
  • Sources of Business Finance
  • Factors Influencing Choice of Business Finance
  • Savings - Importance of Savings
  • Personal Investment Avenues

International Finance

  • Introduction
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Institutional Investors
  • International Capital Market
  • Global Depositary Receipt (GDR)
  • American Depository Receipts (ADR)
  • Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB)

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Self Help Groups (SHGs)

  • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Role and Signifi cance of MSMEs
  • Contribution of MSMEs to Indian Economy
  • MSME Sector in Tamilnadu
  • Self Help Groups

Types of Trade

  • Trade-Meaning
  • Features of Internal Trade
  • Foreign Trade

Channels of Distribution

  • Meaning
  • Types of Channel of Distribution
  • Factors influencing Channel of Distribution
  • Middlemen
  • Kinds of Mercantile Agents or Agent Middlemen
  • Wholesaler
  • The Characteristics of Wholesalers
  • Retail Trade - Meaning
  • Characteristics of Retailers
  • Distinction between Wholesaler and Retailer


  • Introduction
  • Types of Retailers
  • Role of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Associations

International Business

  • Nature of International Business
  • Concept, Meaning and Defi nition of International Business
  • Method of Conducting International Business
  • Features of International Business
  • Rationale Behind International Business
  • Differences between Domestic Business and International Business
  • Types of International Business
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of International Business

Export and Import Procedures

  • Export Trade
  • Import Trade

Facilitators of International Business

  • World Trade Organisation (WTO)
  • World Bank
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments

  • Balance of Payments (BOP)
  • Balance of Trade (BOT)

Elements of Contract

  • Meaning and Definition
  • Essentials of a Valid Contract
  • Classifi cation of Contract

Performance of Contract

  • Introduction
  • Who will Perform the Contract?
  • Reciprocal Promises

Discharge and Breach of a Contract

  • Discharge of Contract
  • Remedies for Breach of Contract

Direct Taxes

  • Meaning of Tax
  • Income Tax

Indirect Taxation

  • Meaning of Indirect Tax
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  • GST Council