St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
12th Economics Monthly Test - 2 ( International Economics )-Aug 2020
Describe the subject matter of International Economics.
General Utility Functions of RBI – Discuss.
List the “Role of a state” according to mercantilists?
List out the limitations of Modern Theory of International Trade?
Mention the difference between FDI and FPI
Write a brief note on HO - Factor endowment model theorem
List the assumption of Comparative advantage theory of international trade.
What are import quotas?
Explain briefly the Comparative Cost Theory.
Discuss the differences between Internal Trade and International Trade.
Explain the determinants of Equilibrium Exchange Rate
How the Rate of Exchange is determined? Illustrate.
Explain the any two types of Exchange Rates
Discuss the various types of disequilibrium in the balance of payments.