St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
12th Economics Monthly Test - 2 ( Environmental Economics )-Aug 2020
Define Global warming.
What is the key objective of Environmental Economics
Write an example for “Positive Consumption Externality”
What do you mean sustainable development?
What is organic farming?
What are the remedial measures to control noise pollution?
State the meaning of e-waste.
Explain the Causes of Noise Pollution
What are the types of Noise Pollution?
Draw the classification of sources of e-waster.
Discuss the Effects of Noise Pollution.
What are the classification of Externalities?
What is land pollution? Mention the causes of land pollution.
Explain the types of water pollution.
Explain causes of noise pollution.
State and discuss the Causes of Land Pollution
What are the Effects of Air pollution?
Explain effects of noise pollution.
List the Remedial measures to control Land Pollution
Discuss the Effects of Land Pollution.