St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
12th Computer Science Monthly Test - 1 ( Lists, Tuples, Sets and Dictionary )-Aug 2020
Write the syntax of creating list. Give example.
Write the output for the following code
(i) print (list (range (1, 11, 2)))
(ii) print (list (range(2, 11, 2))) -
Write a python program to print the following output[36,49,64,81,100]
How will you create a set using list or tuple? Give an example.
What is List in Python?
What is output for the following code?
list = ['T', 'T', 'A', 'S', 'L']
list. sort (reverse= false)
print (list) -
Give an example of joining two tuples.
Fill up the following to get the output:
Marks= [10, 23, 41, 75]
while i (ii) 4:
print ( (iii) )
i = (iv) -
What is the use of tuple () function? Give example.
Write a program to remove duplicates from a list.
Write the syntax of deleting elements from the list .
How will you change the list elements in Python? Give an example.
Fill up the following program to get the output TECM.
list= ['T', 'E', 'C', 'M']
i = 0
(i) while ____________:
(ii) _________(MySubject[i],_______)
(iii) _________ i = i + 1
Write a note on list comprehensions.
What is the output for the following code?
How will you find the length of a list? Explain with an example.
Python program to update/change range of values
MyList = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
print ("List Odd numbers... ")
for x in MyList:
print (x)
MyList[0:5] = 2,4,6,8,10
print ("List Even numbers... ")
for y in MyList:
print (y) -
Write a note on dictionary comprehension.
Write a note on the following function used in list.
Differentiate list and tuple.
Write the syntax of remove (), pop () and clear().
Write a program to define a list of countries that are a member of BRICS. Check whether a county is member of BRICS or not.
Explain the different set operations supported by python with suitable example.
Write a program to generate in the Fibonacci series and store it in a list. Then find the sum of all values.
Explain the following function used in list function with an example.
(i) copy()
(ii) count()
(iii) index ()
(iv) reverse ()
What the different ways to insert an element in a list. Explain with suitable example.
Write a python program to read prices of 5 items in a list and then display sum of all the
prices, product of all the prices and find the average. -
How will access all elements of a list? Explain with an example.