St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
12th Commerce Monthly Test - 4 ( Consumerism )-Aug 2020
What is Caveat Venditor?
Write a short notes on Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Give two examples of adulteration.
Who is a consumer?
What is the role of Government in consumer protection?
What are the important legislations related to consumerism in India?
What are the functions of the consumer clubs in schools?
Which are the three constituent elements of business?
Write the importance of consumerism.
What are the consumer oriented legislations in India?
How consumers are exploited?
Explain the role of consumers in Consumer Protection,
Explain the role of business in consumer protection.
What are the objectives of United Nations guidelines for consumer protection?
What are the salient features of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986?
What are the objectives of Consumer Protection Act, 1986?