St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
12th Chemistry Monthly Test - 3 ( Surface Chemistry )-Aug 2020
Comment on the statement: Colloid is not a substance but it is a state of substance.
What are lyophilic colloids? Give example
What are the concepts of catalysis that intermediate compound formation theory throws ight on?
Describe some feature of catalysis by Zeolites.
What happens when a colloidal sol of Fe(OH)3 and AS2Os are mixed?
What is an interface?
Name various techniques by which a colloid can be deemulsified.
What are catalytic poisons? Give an example.
How is coagulation brought about by addition of electrolytes?
Define Gold number.
What are the tests used to identify the type of emulsion?
Write a note on auto catalysis?
Define adsorption.
What are the important concepts of catalysis that adsorption theory explains?
Why does physisorption decrease with increase of temperature?
Explain the preparation of colloidal platinum by Bredig arc method.
What are active centres?
Explain the factors affecting adsorption.
Give the special characteristics of enzyme catalysed reactions.
Name the method to deduce the charge of the sol particle. Explain it with a neat diagram.
Explain the various chemical methods by which colloids can be prepared.
Explain electrodialysis.
Write the characteristics of catalysts.
Write any five applications of colloids in day - to day life.
Write a note on phase transfer catalysis.
Write the characteristics of adsorption.