St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
12th Biology Monthly Test -1 ( Zoology - Reproductive Health )-Aug 2020
What is CVS?
Correct the following statements
a) Transfer of an ovum collected from donor into the fallopian tube is called ZIFT.
b) Transfering of an embryo with more than 8 blastomeres into uterus is called GIFT.
c) Multiload 375 is a hormone releasing IUD. -
What is Mayer- Rokitansky syndrome?
What is the role of IUDs?
What is IUT?
Define birth control.
What is Saheli?
What is cervical dysplasia?
What is amniocentesis? Why a statutory ban is imposed on this technique?
Mention two sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria.
Name two sexually transmitted infections and their casual agent .
What is a Foetoscope?
Write a note on Foetoscope.
What is embryo transfer technique?
How will you detect the foetal disorders, during the early stages of pregnancy?
What are the causes of infertility in human beings?
What is ZIFT?
Mention the type of IUDs with example.
What is lactational amenorrhoea?
Differentiate foeticide and infanticide
MTP is legalized in our country. Yes or No? why?
What is Cryopreservation?
Describe the major STDs and their symptoms.
Write a note on cervial cancer.
How are STDs transmitted?
Open Book Assessment
‘Healthy reproduction, legally checked birth control measures and proper family planning programmes are essential for the survival of mankind’ Justify -
Amnicentesis, the foetal sex determination test, is banned in our country, Is it necessary? comment
What is ART? Explain any two for ART.
What is infertility and write its causes