St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
12th Biology Monthly Test -1 ( Zoology - Organisms and Population )-Aug 2020
Define ecological niche.
Mention the important behavioural adaptations seen is animals.
What are Stenothermst?
Differentiate between Eurytherms and Stenotherms.
What is phototaxis?
Classify the aquatic biomes of Earth.
Explain hibernation and aestivation with examples.
What is photokinesis?
Give the diagnostic characters features of a Biome?
Draw a diagram to show age distribution in a increasing population.
What are the ways by which organisms respond to abiotic factors?
Differentiate absolute humidity and relative humidity.
What is phototropism?
Differentiate J and S shaped curve
What are cryptic animals?
Describe Growth Models/Curves.
Give an account of the properties of soil.
Write the characteristics of tundra.
Write about the essential properties of water.
Differentiate between Tundra and Taiga Biomes.
List the adaptations of aquatic animals.