St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
12th Biology Monthly Test -1 ( Zoology - Microbes in Human Welfare )-Aug 2020
What is the use oflipases in Industries?
What are probiotics? Give examples
What is "clot buster"?
Give examples of two antibiotics and their mode of action.
Draw a microbial fuel cell and label the parts.
What are bio weedicides?
How is cheese produced?
What is the significance ofNucleopolyhedrovirus?
What is Cyclosporin A?
Explain the types ofbioremediation.
Mention a therapeutic use of Yeast.
State the name of an immunosuppressan used in organ transplantation is produced from Trichoderma polysporum and write its uses.
Explain the secondary treatment of waste water.
Justify the role of microbes as a bio-fertilizer
What is GEM? Give an exampl~.
What is the key difference between primary and secondary sewage treatment?
Write short notes on the following.
a) Brewer's yeast
b) Ideonella sakaiensis
c) Microbial fuel cells -
Explain the process of sewage treatment.
When does antibiotic resistance develop?
List the advantages of biogas plants in rural areas.
Explain the working of a biogas plant.