St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
12th Biology Monthly Test - 1 ( Botany - Environmental Issues )-Aug 2020
Write the three stages involved in Sewage Treatment.
What are Plant Indicators?
What are endemic species?
Give an example of plants, cultivated in commercial agroforestry.
Write any two effects of global warming on plants.
What are green house gases?
Define the term "Algal bloom".
What is GIS and write its expansion?
Name the methods of solid waste management.
Writ e a short note on Bio monitoring.
How can Bio-diversity impacts be assessed?
How is the spread of Lantana being controlled?
Write the benefits of EIA to society.
What is in-situ conservation?
What are the advantages of biochar for the plants?
What is geological sequestration?
How do forests help in maintaining the climate?
How do sacred groves help in the conservation of biodiversity?
Explain afforestation with case studies.
Write the effects of deforestation.
Write the main objectives of Afforestation.
Suggest a solution to water crisis and explain its advantages.
Write a note on carbon foot print.
List the effects of global warming on plants.
Mention strategies to deal with the issue. -
What is a invasive species? Explain with an example.