MABS Institution
11th Computer Technology Monthly Test - 1 ( Introduction to Word Processor )-Aug 2020
What is Text formatting?
Name some features of Open Office writer.
Name the control buttons available in title bar of window
State the difference between Propietary software and open source software.
What does formatting Toolbar contains?
How do you turn off bullets and numbering?
What are the different types of orientation?
What does standard tool-bar contains?
What does Tools and window menu contains?
What is the difference between moving and copying text?
What does file and edit menu contains?
Write the advantages of using Openoffice.
What does format and Table menu contains?
What does view and insert menu contains?
What are the different ways to save a document?
Explain How will you select the text using Mouse and Keyboard.
Explain the types of paragraph alignment.
Write the steps followed to save a document.
Explain the action performed by the following by the following shortcut key.
1. Ctrl + S
2. Ctrl + O
3. Ctrl +Z
4. Ctrl + C
5. Ctrl + U
6. Ctrl + M
7. Ctrl + F
8. Ctrl + E
9. Ctrl + A
10. Ctrl + Y -
What are the different types of paragraph alignment?
Write the drawbacks of using Tamil font while typing in Tamil.
What are Header and Footer? How do you insert page numbers?
Explain How will- you move the text in word processor.
Explain How will you copy the text in word processor.
Write the steps to apply different style of numbering in word processor.