MABS Institution
11th Computer Applications Weekly Test -1 ( Control Structure in Javascript )-Aug 2020
Write the syntax of do-while loop
What are the functions of the for loop parts?
Write script for the following criteria.
Write the syntax for else-if statement.
Differentiate between while and do while statements
What is called a loop and what are its types?
Explain with an example the use of break and continue statement in loops?
Explain the working of do while loop in Javascript with an example?
Explain for loop with example.
Explain switch case statement with example
Write the output for the following program.
< Html >
< Head >
< Title > for statement
< Head >
< Body >
< script language= "java Script" type = "text / JavaScript")
var nol= prompt ("p'ease enter table you want:", "0");
document write '< h2 > multiplication for your need < /h2 >")
for (Var no2= 0; n02< = 10; no2++)
document write (nol+ "x"+no2+"=i'+ nol +
no2 + "< br >);
< /scrlpt >:
< /body >
< /Html >