MABS Institution
11th Computer Applications Monthly Test -1 ( Working with OpenOffice Calc )-Aug 2020
What are the options available in "Insert Cells" dialog box?
Name any four text formatting Icons
How relative cell reference become Absolute reference?
Differentiate between Copy -Paste and Cut-Paste
In cell A1 =34, A2=65, A3=89; write the formula to find the average.
Write the steps to do selection sort.
Write the steps for using Auto filter
Define Table, Record and Filed.
Write the three types of reference Operators?
How will you insert cells, row and columns using "Insert cells" Toolbar.
Name the file type for the extension (i) .odt (ii) .ods (iii) . odp
Write the steps to construct a formula in a worksheet?
Write the steps to insert a new column in a worksheet.
What is the use of tab key, Shift tab key and Enter key in a worksheet?
Explain how will you generate whole number series.
Explain about changing the column width in Calc.
Explain Reference operator with an example.
Explain how will you cut, copy and Paste data in a worksheet.
Write down the parts of the OpenOffice Calc window.
Explain the features of OpenOffice Calc.
Explain how will you insert a function wizard.
Write the steps to apply standard filter?
Explain how will you insert a function using Direct Insert method.
Write the steps to generate the following series. 5,10, 20 ..... 2560.