St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
11th Computer Applications Model Exam-Aug 2020
How will add background music in a web page?
Differentiate Files and Folders
Define the following (i) Text Operator (ii) Rows and Columns of spreadsheet.
Write the syntax of functions.
What is the use of wild card character (?) Question Mark?
Differentiate spreadsheet and worksheet.
Name the types of Monitors.
What is ethics?
What is a network?
Name the different types of indents.
Convert EB4A16 to decimal
List the types of information stored in a computer
Write two types of cyber attacks.
What is data?
How the date travel through control bus?
What is the use of function?
What are the functions supported by JavaScript?
What is user Interface?
What are the changes in the society due teo internet?
Write the three main units of microprocessor.
Define Table in writer.
What are the requirements of segment in memory management?
Write the rule of operands used in logical expression
Write note on unauthorized access
Define POST.
Write a note on important attributes of < script > tag.
Define Spell check.
What is the difference between Static and dynamic web page.
Write the syntax of confirm () dialog box.
Name the methods followed while copying files and folders to removable disk.
Explain the values of < input > tag’s type attribute.
Write the types of Operating System?
Why do we need OS?
List and explain the Font and text element properties and values used CSS.
Explain how will you generate whole number series.
How the read and write operations are performed by a processor? Explain.
Explain the function of digital signature.
Write a HTML code using to test logical operators.
Write the procedure to create, rename, delete and save a file in Ubuntu OS. Compare it with Windows OS.
Write a program in JavaScript for adding two numbers using function.
Explain the different types of icons of windows desktop