MABS Institution
11th Economics Monthly Test - 1 ( Tamil Nadu Economy )-Aug 2020
What is a power theft ?
What was called as PURA by former President Abdul Kalam
State the specific leadership related problems found in rural areas
What do you mean by 'poverty line'?
Write a short note on Transport of Tamil Nadu?
Explain about Natural resources.
Explain about air transport in Tamil Nadu.
Write a note on the Rural Road.
Write a note on mineral resources in Tamil Nadu
What are the features of Cottage Industries?
Write a short note on MSMEs.
Explain the prospect for development of tourism.
Describe the Rural indebtedness.
Describe the performance of Tamil Nadu economy in health.
What are the measures taken to remove Rural Indebtedness?
Explain the Rural Infrastructure.
Give an account of Rural Electrification in India
What are the Causes for Rural Unemployment ?
Explain the various sources of energy in Tamil Nadu.
Explain the public transport system in Tamil Nadu.
Explain about Tamil Nadu among developed states.
Explain about Banking network in Tamil Nadu
Explain how Self-Help Groups (SHGs) function in India.
Describe the qualitative aspects of population.