MABS Institution
11th Computer Science Monthly Test -2 ( Specification and Abstraction )-Aug 2020
What are the basic principles and techniques for designing Algorithms.
If \(\sqrt{2}\) = 1.414, and the square -root() function returns -1.414, does it violate the following specification?
-- square -root (x)
-- inputs: x is a real number, x > 0
-- outputs: y is a real number such that y2=x -
What is the use of abstraction?
How do you know whether the state changes in an algorithm?
Define functions.
How the assignment statement changes the state of an algorithm?
Name the control flow statements used in an algorithm.
Which defines the rights and responsibilities of the designer and user of the algorithm?
What is the form and meaning of assignment statement?
Explain the Basic Building Blocks of Algorithms.
Explain how will you design algorithms.
What are the values of variables m and n after the assignments in line (1) and line (3)?
Explain specification.
Explain the specification format.
Explain in detail how will you construct an algorithm. Whatever with in ( )
Explain Algorithm Design Techniques.