St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
11th Commerce Monthly Test - 2 ( Joint Stock Company )-Aug 2020
What are the different types of companies?
What is the Significance of the common seal of the Company?
Give the meaning of company.
What is Domestic company?
What is meant by perpetual succession?
What do you mean by Holding Companies?
What do you mean by Company limited by Guarantee?
What is meant by Joint and Several Liability?
What are the advantages of Companies? (Any 3)
What is a guarantee company?
Write a note on one share - one vote.
What is meant by Multi National Company?
What is meant by Holding and Subsidiary company?
Enumerate the advantages of company.(Any five).
What are Disadvantages of the Company form of organization?
What are the contents of Articles of Association?
What are the contents of Memorandum of Association?
What are the disadvantages of company?