St. Britto Hr. Sec. School - Madurai
11th Commerce Monthly Test - 1 ( Channels of Distribution )-Aug 2020
The wholesaler bears all the trade and financial risks of the business. How?
What are the types of channel of distribution?
What are the four major type of channel of distribution?
What is meant by B2B?
The management of Car manufacturing company seeks your advice as to which channel of distribution to be adopted? Give reasons
Write short notes on 'Auctioneers':
Explain the types of Mercantile Agents
What are the direct channels based on the middlemen?
Write a note on the following. (a) Services distribution channels, (b) Channels based on National and International markets.
Describe the channels based on the type of goods and services?
List the Indirect channel or distribution through middlemen?
Explain the merchant wholesalers?
Explain the distinction between Wholesaler and Retailer.
Who is a factor?
Who is a factor?
Explain the services rendered by a wholesaler to retailers
Explain the services of wholesalers to manufacturer.
What are indirect channel through middlemen?
Explain the services rendered to consumers by Retailers.
Enumerates merchant wholesalers.
What are the functions of Wholesaler?
Write a note on VAR.
What are the different between wholesaler and Retailer.
What are the functions of Retailers?
What are the services rendered by a retailer to wholesalers?