MABS Institution
11th Biology Monthly Test - 1 ( Bio - Zoology - Digestion and Absorption )-Aug 2020
What are the steps involved in the digestive process.
How the stomach can accommodate large meal?
Why does our mouth becomes watery when we eat the food of our choice?
Name the types of Salivary glands.
What is BMI?
List the functions of liver.
Digestive secretions are secreted only when needed. Discuss.
What is the function of the pyloric sphincter?
Write note on Egestion.
What is gingivitis?
List the chemical changes that starch molecule undergoes from the time it reaches the small intestine.
Write the functions of liver.
What is diphyodont dentition?
Write about the Role of HCI.
Write about the brief account on salivary and gastric glands of the digestive system.
Write short note on Absorption and Assimalation.
Explain the structure of the liver. Add a note on its functions.
Write short note on the following:
(i) Indigestion,
(ii) Constipation,
(iii) Vomiting,
(iv) Jaundice,
(v) Liver cirrhosis,
(vi) Gall stones,
(vii) Appenditicitis,
(viii) Hiotus hernia. -
Explain the digestion in the buccal cavity.
Explain the structure of the large intestine.
Explain the salivary glands.
Label the given diagram.
Explain the process of absorption of the digested food.
Explain the digestion in the stomach.
Write a short note on the small intestine.