MABS Institution
11th Biology Monthly Test - 1 ( Bio - Botany - Vegetative Morphology )-Aug 2020
Describe about the modifications of Floral leaves.
Describe about Vegetative morphology.
Compare foliar buds and cauline buds.
What do you mean by caudex?
Name the types of Underground stems.
Differentiate creeper and trailers (stragglers).
What are Bulbils?
How are leaves classified based on their lifespan?
Describe the characters of Heterophylly.
What are the storage roots. Explain each type with suitable example.
Briefly, describe the leaf modification in Nepenthes
Which types of plants develop tendril? How does it helps the plant?
What are Stilt / Brace roots?
What are Bulbis? Explain different types with suitable examples.
How is pinnately compound leaf different from a palmately compound leaf.
Write a short note on Leaf type.
Define phyllotaxy. Explain its types
Compare the location, cellular types and the functions of different zones of root.
Describe the Life Span Plants.
Write a short note on Modification of Leaf.
What are the different types of leaf arrangements?
Explain the sub aerial stem modifications. Expalin the types of sub aerial stem modifications?
Write a note on Adventitious roots modified for storage.
Write a short note on Venation.
Describe the tap root modification for storage purpose with diagram.